  Theodora in Scotland

© Ernest Metzger. This page is part of the twin portals Roman Law Resources and Infor­mationsquellen zum römischen Recht, hosted by the University of Glasgow School of Law, SCOTLAND.

Societies and Projects

Gesellschaften und Projekte

Theodora in Scotland

This page contains an index of societies and projects relating to Roman, civil, and ancient law. Contributions to this page are always welcome.


Diese Seite enthält ein Verzeichnis von Gesellschaften und Projekte, die sich mit römischen, kontinentaleuropäischen und antiken Recht beschäftigen. Weitere Ergänzungen und Beiträge zu dieser Seite sind stets willkommen.

Accademia Romanistica Costantiniana

(Università degli Studi di Perugia). The ARC is engaged in producing a palingenesia of late imperial constitutions, from Constantine to Theodosius II.


(Università degli Studi di Perugia). Die ARC ist damit beschäftigt, eine Palingenesie der spätkaiserlichen constitutiones von Konstantin bis Theodosius II zu schreiben.

Alan Watson Foundation

From the website: 'The Alan Watson Foundation (AWF), founded in 2005, is a nonprofit scholarly organization established by the University of Belgrade in honor of Prof. Alan Watson. Our fundamental mission is to encourage and disseminate a multidisciplinary understanding of law, and foster scholarship broadly focusing on the correlation between law and society.'


Association of Young Legal Historians

From the website: 'Legal and historical sciences are based on communication. This is a true statement triggering the idea of founding an Association for Young Legal Historians. The yearly European Forum of Young Legal Historians has been the breeding ground providing “market” for a scientific exchange of ideas and as a peek of this process the Association for Young Legal Historians was born in Seville, 2007. These annual forums are usually organized by young researchers for their own kind and the purpose of these conferences has always been to give a possibility for young legal historians to give account of their scientific research results.'


CEDANT: Centro di Studi e Ricerche sui Diritti Antichi

From the website: 'The Centre for Studies and Research on Ancient Law, CEDANT, a part of IUSS, aims to offer the most advanced education and encouragement of research in the field of Roman and ancient law. CEDANT has an international scholarly advisory board, and develops its activities in collaboration with specialists, selected as needed in connection with selected themes, to foster broad participation by the scholarly community and methodological pluralism. CEDANT cooperates with the Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (Italian Institute of Human Sciences) in order to enrich the higher educational network and research in the field of ancient law. Within this framework the availability of student grants, publicized by special announcement, is provided for the pursuit of research activities.'


The Common Core of European Private Law

(Edited by Ugo Mattei and Mauro Bussani). The project seeks to identify the common elements in the private law of member states of the European Union.


(Herausgegeben von Ugo Mattei und Mauro Bussani). Das Projekt versucht gemeinsame Elemente des Privatrechts von Mitgliedsstaaten der Europäischen Union zu identifizieren.

European Legal Roots

From the website: 'European Legal Roots is a Network of Roman Law scholars and Legal Historians. ELR has been founded as a vehicle for increasing communication and cooperation between universities, scientific institutions and individuals working on related topics within Europe and in the rest of the world.'


The European Society for History of Law

From the website: 'The European Society for History of Law enables the community, especially lawyers, to gain knowledge about the historical context important for practice today as well as future changes of some legal institutes.'


Aus der Website: 'Auf dem Gebiet der Rechtspraxis ermöglicht The European Society for History of Law der breiten vor allem der juristischen Öffentlichkeit, die historischen Zusammenhänge sowohl der gegenwärtigen als auch der zukünftigen Rechtsregelung der einzelnen Institute näher zu bringen.'

Forschungen zur antiken Sklaverei

(Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz ). A research project founded with the aim of investigating all aspect of slavery in antiquity. The project produces a series of monographs.


(Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz ). Ein Forschungsprojekt, das mit dem Ziel gegründet wurde, alle Aspekte der Sklaverei in der Antike zu erforschen. Aus diesem Projekt wird eine Reihe von Monographien veröffentlicht.

The Projet Volterra

(By Michael H. Crawford, Simon Corcoran, Magnus Ryan, and Benet Salway, University College London). The general aim of the Projet Volterra is to promote the study of Roman legislation in its full social, political and legal context. Details of the database of later imperial legislation can be found on the website, as well as an on-line version of the Theodosian Code.


(Von Michael H. Crawford, Simon Corcoran und Benet Salway, University College London). Das übergeordnete Ziel des Volterra-Projektes ist es, die Erforschung der römischen Gesetzgebung in ihrem gesamten sozialen, politischen und juristischen Umfeld zu fördern. Sowohl Details der Datenbank zur spät kaiserzeitlichen Gesetzgebung als auch eine Online-Version des Codex Theodosianus sind auf der Website zu finden.


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